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Ablecide: The hate crime no one talks about

It's terrible... It happens in USA, and it could happen anywhere....

*My disabled siblings are robbed of their lives, silently, in a way in which nobody notices, and nobody complains*

*They aren't allowed back into life, and meanwhile, those who didn't follow the instructions  are kept alive*

*And this has to do with the idea that it's better to save who "contributes to society*

*But, as i've said, productivity is a wacky (and many times ableist) concept*

*The money you can give to your society's millionaires doesn't define you... your values, principles and actions do.  The same people wanting your productivity are the ones who rob your money, and money shouldn't be everything in life*

*And yet, our rights to food, health, and many more, cost money*

*This world is really ambicious*

*And we´re hated because of this terrible ambition. They don't want us to stay on Earth,  no: we cough a bit and they throw us into the sky, often between atrocious pain. And nobody stays with us*

*This is, no doubt, a hate crime. We could call it "Ablecide". Everyday we hear about femicide, but no one talks about this, and the Disabled community deserves as much justice as women. We should be able to protest in diverse ways,  claiming for justice and condemning the ones who play with our lives, based on biased views of the world.*

*Worst part is, in the middle of this pandemic, pioneers of Autistic Self. Advocacy have died: Mel Baggs, nonspeaking Autistic Advocate died a few days ago, with pain and sorrow. Mel was begging for someone to help hir pay hir medicines, but no one answered*

Sie had done a great job in advocating for Autistic Rights. *And many did not know hir job until hir death. Many didn't want to listen to what Sie had to say until Sie left this world*

Because, as Anne Frank said:

“Dead people receive more flowers than the living ones because regret is stronger than gratitude.”

And nobody cares about non-famous people. *Apparently, famous people have more important things to say than non-famous people*

I fear getting the virus and not being brougt back to life. I hope you remember me.
Speaking about Anne Frank, she once said:

Human greatness does not lie in wealth or power, but in character and goodness. People are just people, and all people have faults and shortcomings, but all of us are born with a basic goodness.

This we have to acknowledge.


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