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15 Reasons to NOT support Autism $peaks.

Well... this post is important… I know it will be highly polemical… But it's necessary. And now that i've got the spoons (we'll talk about it later) to tell it, i will.

Unfrtunately for the big mayority of the Autistic Community, Autism $peaks is the greatest Autism Charity in the USA. MOST OF US HATE THIS "CHARITY". And here are a few reasons you should NEVER support them.

1. They show Autistic kids as burdens to their families, as "ghosts" and other REALLY STIGMATIZING analogies. No kid deserves that kind of rethoric (they have even described us as monsters). Even non-vocalizing or COMORBIDLY intellectually disabled Autistics are people and JUST BECAUSE OF THAT deserve as much respect as EVERYONE ELSE.

2. They use functioning labels. Simply, FUNCTIONING LABELS DON'T WORK. Due to them, "low functioning" individuals (commonly those who are non-vocalizing or depend on someone due to COMORBITIES)  are pitied, while "high-functioning" individuals are pressured to ALWAYS be superheroes, even though kryptonite's killing us.

3. In one of their most well-known videos, "Autism Everyday", a board member MOM SAYS SHE CONTEMPLATED THROWING HER CAR OFF A BRIDGE, with HER and Jodie, HER autistic DAUGHTER INSIDE. Of course, BOTH WOULD HAVE DIED. She does this WHILE JODIE'S STILL THERE, in the same room. Based on what we see in the video, Jodie is non-vocalizing, but SHE CAN STILL UNDERSTAND THE SITUATION.

4. They lack Autistic Representation on their board. There are just parents of Autistic children... NEVER in the history of A$ have AUTISTICS told THEIR OWN STORIES. Not without gaslighting or being silenced.

5. They partner with places that MISTREAT AUTISTICS, such as the Judge Rotenberg Center, which uses SHOCK THERAPY in their patients, which has been deemed as TORTURE by the UN.

6. Their biggest goal is CURING AUTISM. But Autism is genetic so... Yes, they support EUGENICS. They simply don't want anyone with our brain being born.

7. They used to promote the DEBUNKED theory of "VACCINES CAUSE AUTISM", but stopped due to pressure from doctors and the Autistic Community. But DAMAGE IS already DONE, and we can prove it with the increasing amount of children who DIE from preventable illnesses… and the anti-vaxx movement doesn't only damage Autistics... It hurts children and people with autoimunne diseases or allergies, who depend on herd immunity.

8.Their most famous campaign, "Light It up Blue" … why Blue? For the BOYS (not girls) "lost because of Autism". Sexist and ableist at the same time. To them, the color blue also represent sadness. Imagine how the autistic children feel.

9. The children who appear in the videos have NEVER, at least in the same organization, told their stories. I know it's part of #4, but i had to remark it.

10. They remain silent on topics like TOXIC CURES, which people like Kerri Rivera promote. For thosee who don't know her, Kerri Rivera is a woman known for promoting MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution)... What's that? BLEACH. There's no mild way to put it, MMS IS BLEACH. Lots of people COMMIT SUICIDE drinking bleach every year. Basically, you're slowly killing you child for having a different brain. And yet, A$ remains silent, as usual.

11. They hurt the Autistic Community by talking about its sore spots. They've written articles about Temple Grandin, a member of this community crushed by fame (we'll talk about it later), and they describe her as DANGEROUS. About real allies… They never talk!

12. Only 4% of the money they get returns to Autistic people. Most of the money is spent on EUGENICS and marketing, according to data that A$ themselves gave.

13. They insist in "Person First Language". This means, they prefer "person with autism" rather than "Autistic Person". You'd say.. "Isn't it the same?"... It looks like it is, but actually IT'S NOT.  Saying "Person with..." It's like you can take off your condition at any time. Autism ISN'T LIKE THAT, and we'll discuss it later.

14. Because the community tells you not to do it. After all this reasons, naturally, you'd understand the damage A$ does to the Autistic Community. And even if not, JUST STOP SUPPORTING THEM. Don't gaslight us, it mean, don't ignore our stories (I'll explain later). We're the ones who live with the condition, so we should be THE FIRST ONES to be Heard, and not viceversa.

15. Because there are better charities. Charities made with love, by Autistics for Autistics.For example, Autistic Self-Advocacy Network, who has presence in many different countries, and wants to give information about Autism and other Disabilities, from the point of view of THOSE WHO LIVE THEM. Another great charity is Autistic Women and Non-Binary Network, who talk about the GIANT PROBLEM that Women and Non-Binary people have, as their diagnosis is WAY MORE UNCOMMON than those of men. Other lovely places to inform yourself are Ollibean, Emma's Hope Book, which features an AAC (for later discussion) using girl, and the YouTube Serie of Ask An Autistic by Amythest Schaber.  You see, there are lots of places to choose from. But hear our perspectives first.

I hope you have liked this article. And side note: For A$, Autism Day is April Second. For us, It's July 18th. WHEN WILL YOU CELEBRATE?

Thanks, leave comments.


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