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No one else does this!!: My sad experiences with school-based ABA

I was 9 when Carmen came to my life. At that time, i really liked Japanese  stuff (i still do)... and Carmen had a Japanese background, and spoke a bit of Japanese. So i actually thought she would be lovely. I WAS WRONG.
If i read, she would take the book from me because it was "distracting".
If i sat alone at recess, she would tell me to find "someone to play with". Even if tehy were doing sports, which i've never liked.
Oh, but if i stimmed at classroom... she would tell me to "look less weird".
If they mocked me, she would tell me to "deal with life's natural ways".
She wouldn't like me to raise my hand and speak in class. She'd say "my opinions were really annoying".
She wouldn't like me to speak with other NT kids because "i already did that at therapy":
She loved to show me People "overcoming Autism" .
Worst thing she did was partner with the nastiest of teachers, who mistreated EVERYONE in my group. If we didn't sing the National Anthem correctly, she would make us run 40 times around the massive tennis court. She had the whole classroom on detention when we made "stupid jokes". If someone fell asleep during class, she would blow a horn to wake them up. If we doodled in our notebook, she would break the paper sheet and tell us to do the work again. She assigned  large projects from one day to another. She'd turn on the AC if we made a single noise (i live in a tropical zone).
I got to middle school, and Carmen went away. Then came Marisol, who wasn't much better. She wanted to help me in the bathroom. I know many Autistics need this, but i doon't, and I consider having non-required help in such a setting pretty invasive. She wouldn't help me search teams for projects.  She hated me talking about comics, myy Special Interest, she even said "comics aren't suitable for girls". She mae homphobic jokes, for example, when a boy came to school in a pink jumper.
Luckily, my parents fired her. Then came Miriam, who was ACTUALLY REALLY NICE. she loved talking me about travelling, and she found comics gripping. She TOTALLY UNERSTOOD how sports tired me. She even invited me to a Church Camp with lots of other ND teens. She made me love indie music... I'm still her friend on facebook.
But my parents still are friends with Carmen. i found out she supports quack cures, ABA, and discredited FC and RPM. I didn't say anything, to not be #gaslighted.
Am i better now without a school carer? Well... now i have more privacy. Now i can speak up. I can make jokes. I can listen to metal and indie all day. I can decide which activities to involve myself in. I've become an advocate, and teachers know my talents.
I'm still victim of bad taste jokes and gaslighting... But i'm finally free. I feel like my true self. I guess it's better


  1. Yo hice una amiga que tenía una "sombra" osda una acompañante de la escuela.
    Nos escondiamos de ella.

    Lamento que hayas convivido con alguien como Carmen.


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