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Dear Arcane fandom: Jinx deserves happiness

 TW: Lesbomisoginy, neurosexism, infantilization, murder, hell mention, police mention, jail mention, psych ward mention, abliesm, misoginy, suffering, prosecution, death penalty, deadnaming, suicide, arcane spoilers, capital letters. 

The Arcane fandom is paradise, and, at the same time, hell. You find people that are SUPER gay for Vi and Caitlyn, but raise an eyebrow at a possible relationship between Jinx and Lux. And I guess it is because of two things: Lesbomisoginy and ableism.  They don't think a "crazy" girl can love someone, even less if it's a wlw relationship. BUT IT IS POSSIBLE! I have friends with Schizophrenia, DID, BPD, Bipolar, and they have quite fruitful relationships! I'M SURE IT'S POSSIBLE. 

Unfortunately, this attitudes towards love and neurodivergence aren't new. It is still believed that Disabled (wheter it is via brain or body) people can't have fruitful relationships. And, what's more, they don't believe a person like Jinx can recover (or, at least, learn peaceful ways of dealing with her illness). One person in my Arcane group even described Jinx as "uncivilized". As if she was some kind of Tarzan-esque person. 

This reminds me of a case I know very well: Azula. Not even in the comics can we see a redemption for Azula. And that's sad, because Azula is just another victim of the Fire Nation's atrocities. True, she isn't an innocent little dove, she has done many atrocities herself, but, if Zuko got redemption, why not Azula? 

I'm in no way saying i want a "half-baked" redemption for Jinx, one like Catra had (let's face it, it was WAY too fast paced) . It would have to be organic, done season by season, with great results. 

Of course, this isn't easy to do, even less if we consider the bad stuff Jinx has done, like, accidentally killing Silco, who she saw as a father. It is even teorized that, once Caitlyn becomes Sheriff of Piltover, she will prosecute Jinx.

But, why am I so interested in Jinx's happiness? Because, in real life, there are many times when women don't have the same access to mental health that men have.  Many times, we're told that we're exaggerating (gaslight), or we receive diagnosis of hysteria, which is mysoginistic. We recieve worse treatment in jails and in hospitals. Everything is based on neurosexism, those attitudes received by women called "crazy", whether they have a mental condition or not. 

And they don't even have faith in TimeBomb (Jinx x Ekko), which can be canon. They say Ekko doesn't love Jinx, he loves the person she was (I won't say their deadname, even tho mine's in my blog's name). It is simply understood as if Jinx can only suffer, and many thinks she deserves to die, by death penalty, most times. 

So what? Are mentally ill women condemned to suffer and nothing more? Is that the destiny of every mentally ill woman? Damn, in a world such as Runeterra, with so much magic and technology, where even homophobia is said to be unexistant, there is no such treatment that can make a girl like Jinx have better life quality? I'm not asking to bring back the one she was at chilhood, people change and it's natural. But... Am I wrong to ask that, once and for alll, they show a mentally Disabled girl can live a happy life? Imagine the suicide's we'd prevent!

I feel it's time for people to question their ableism and misoginy when they talk about mentally ill characters. You can call me "pixel defensor" for making this article, and for many other things, but I prefer to be that than to not question the bias I may have about women and their mental health, because, at the end of the day... Only Janna knows what may happen to you, or to someone you know.


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