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Mostrando las entradas de julio, 2020

esta caricatura cambió mi vida...

Era el mes del orgullo. Tenía miedo de celebrar con mis padres, quienes todavía están empezando a cuestionarse lo que saben del amor y las maneras en que este se manifiesta. En línea, me dijeron, "Ve She-Ra y las Princesas del Poder!". No tenía nada que perder. Estaba Entrapta, canónicamente Autista, y, si no me gustaba, todavía debía ponerme al día con Supergirl. Así que lo vi, Y ME FASCINÓ. Había visto la versión anterior con mis padres, ya que tenían los casettes que solía ver cuando me enfermaba de pequeña. Ahora, como mujer, me fascina esta versión. Desde los escenarios hermosos, a la diversidad de cuerpos, etnias y personalidades, pasando por la preciosa lección que Entrapta les enseña a lxs niñxs Discapacitados cuando le dice a Hordak "Tus imperfecciones son hermosas", AMÉ CADA SEGUNDO. Tristemente, la serie terminó... CON UN BESO. CATRADORA ERA CANON, Y ESO ME DIO ESPERANZA. Es posible que, aunque no fuera intención de Noelle, que elle (usa they/them en ingl...

This cartoon changed my life

It was pride month. I was afraid of celebrating with my parents, who are just starting to question what they know about love and the various ways it may present itself. Online, they told me "watch  She-Ra and the Princesses of Power". I had nothing to lose. There was Entrapta, canonically Autistic, and, if i din't like it, i still had to catch up with Supergirl.  So I watched it. IT WAS FASCINATING. I had seen the old version with my parents, they had some casettes which i used to watch when i was sick, as a child. Now, as a woman, I'm fascinated by this version. From the beautiful scenaries, to the different personalities, body types and ethnicities, to the precious lesson Entrapta shows Disabled kids when telling Hordak "Your imperfections are beautiful", I LOVED EVERY SECOND. Sadly, the serie ended... WITH A KISS. CATRADORA WAS CANON. AND IT GIVES ME HOPE. It's possible that, even if it wasn't Noelle's intention, she made Adora Autistic too.  ...

I'm not here to inspire you

Once there was a talent show at my school. Many "friends" asked me to participate. Wondering the talent i could have, i decided to ask them why they were so interested in my partaking. They answered it was "so people could know people like me can overcome their problems". I know what they were referring to. Social media floods us with stories about people "overcoming disability". As if it was a task, in which luck determines the winner. And it does happen like that, but it's not good. Unfortunately, the world is not accesible for many of us, and there are many things that interfere with a Disabled Person's triumph: economy, contacts, geographic zone, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, other disabilities, even PHYSICAL APPEAREANCE INTERFERES. sharing a video about -----, who is ----- and achieved------, is actually a case of someone who IS LUCKY. And i say it as someone who is non-superstitous. Many times, we won't achieve what the person ...

Siendo mujer, siendo Autista

Hay personas que dicen: "Si eres mujer, no puedes ser Autista"... Ya, entonces, ¿Qué ven aquellas personas al verme? ¿Acaso ven a un ser mágico, de otro planeta, o que rayos ven? Yo estoy aquí, viva. En tu misma realidad. Y tengo todo el derecho de estar en ella. La realidad de la humanidad es para la humanidad entera. Yo existo, como mujer, como Autista. Alguna vez se creyó que estas dos identidades no eran combinables. Pero hoy se sabe que si.  Varias personas creen que solo 25% de Autistas son mujeres. NO ES CIERTO. Esto se basa en varios sesgos, desde el obvio sesgo sexista de los doctores que todavía creen en "cerebro masculino" y "cerebro femenino" (bien es cierto que se tienen algunas diferencias en tamaño y conexiones, sin embargo, esto poco tiene que ver con la realidad de ser Autista o no), pasando por el ignorar a la gente Trans y de género No Binario, hasta saber que miles de personas no son diagnosticadas cuando, además de machismo y capacitis...


I've got an ONLY AUTISTICS group. NTS CAN'T ENTER.  Still, daily, there are parents desperate to enter. I've had to reject them. They say "my child/ granchild is Autistic" or "The neighbour has an Autistic kid". They say they want the best for the child.  BUT, WHEN THEY ENTER, WE SEE IT'S NOT LIKE THAT.  *They tell us which symbols and language to use (curiously, they´re the ones the Autistic Community HATES THE MOST) *They say their child (or their known one's) "isn't like us"... Then, THEY START MENTIONING ABOUT THE LITTLE ONE'S BOWEL MOVEMENTS (and they never talk if their puppies have worms)... EVEN WITHOUT KNOWING WHO WE ARE, OR WHICH PROBLEMS WE FACE. THEY JUST SEE OUR ONLINE-FACES. *         THEY CENSOR OUR DIFFERENT OPINIONS, CALLING US NASTY, SASSY AND MEAN. *THEY´RE HOMOPHOBIC, SEXIST, ISLAMOPHOBIC, ABLEIST (of course) OR OTHERWISE BIGOTED.  And most nauseus part... THEY SAY TO BE THEIR CHILDREN'S VOICES. THEY AREN...

spoons & batteries

Sometimes i wake up with that terrible backache...Those that appear when i can't sleep at night. I don't have energy, but the pain keeps me from sleeping.  My mum tells me to clean my room. I tell her i'm out of spoons. She doesn't understand. But, what are spoons, in this case? Basically, it's something coined by Christine Miserandino, a waitress with lupus, who had the idea to illustrate, via (first encountered, literally) physical objects, the energy loss that chronically ill people face day by day. Still, some, because of the complex theory, prefer to explain it via battery. But spoons are more popular within each passing day. Not only chronically ill people lose spoons quickly. Mentally ill people do too, specially if their mood gets low because of some reason.  i'll show you a day in my life. Firstly, i have 30 spoons. It's a terrific day, one that i hardly ever have. Almost a miracle. 1.- i wake up. Let's suppose it's Saturday. I habe to choos...

More problems with Locuocentrism

There are Autistics who hurt themselves... Desperate mothers, put them through abusive therapies, which i've talked about here, and this is counterproducent.  Truth is, this people have the need to communicate, as with any human being. Maybe they won't be able to communicate through speech, but, as i've said, AAC devices can quite help. so, again, we have to understand: SPEAKING IS NOT THE ONLY WAY TO COMMUNICATE. Why, then, is it presented as the only option? BECAUSE OF ORALISM, OR, AS I CALL OT, LOCUOCENTRISM. It's simply a bad case of "mayority phallacy": The mayority talks, so it's the only thing that's acceptable. But, no. Our ancestors communicated through noise, drawings, and gestures. Modern day apes use this tools also (except a few that were taught Sign Language by scientists) . Same happens with children who, like the mythical Tarzan (they DO exist), where brought up by animals... Even in Cirque Du Soleil, they talk Cirquish, a language only...

Speaking is Not The Only way To Communicate

I speak. But, sometimes, if i am too tired, sad, jaded, or in pain, words won't come from outside my mouth. Soemtimes i only can draw or put GIFS, because i can't even type... I don't think in words anymore! I also know a bit of my country's Sign Language. These are all valid forms of communication, and many Autistics use them. they fall into the AAC (Augmentative-Alternative Communication) umbrella. Watch Out: They're not the same. Alternative is when it's your main method of communication, while Augmentative is for cases like mne, in which, even with a great oral language, there are cases when you need to be more resourceful. Alternatives that differ from those already mentioned are text to speech, PECS,  answer "Yes" and "No" Buttons,  echolalia (repeating what someone just said, although with slight changes, or phrases from media), Methods of eye movements, Rapid Prompting Method (letterboards) and Facilitated Communication (ehich uses em...

Más problemas con el locuocentrismo

Hay Autistas que se agreden... Las mamás, desesperadas, los meten a terapias abusivas (ya hablé de k experiencia con la infame ABA) y esto es contraproducente. La verdad es que estas personas tienen la necesidad de comunicarse, como todo ser humano. Tal vez no puedan con el habla, pero, como ya dije, los sistemas CAA los pueden ayudar bastante. Por esto, creo que hay que entender que, una vez más: HABLAR NO ES LA ÚNICA MANERA DE COMUNICARSE. ¿Por qué, entonces, se presenta el habla como única opción? POR EL ORALISMO, TAMBIÉN YO LO LLAMO LOCUOCENTRISMO. Simplemente, se cae en la "falacia de la mayoría" "La mayoría habla, así que esto es lo único aceptable". Sin embargo, no. Nuestros ancestros prehistóricos hacían ruidos solamente, lo mismo los primates de hoy en día (a excepción de algunos entrenados en Lengua De Señas) y los varios niños que, como el mítico Tarzán, fueron criados por animales (De veras, existen, te invito a descubrir sus historias)... Incluso en el ...