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Mostrando las entradas de noviembre, 2020

Enough, apologize with Entrapta

 We've talked about how She-Ra gives us hope, about how Catra is a victim of multiple abuse...  Now, we'll talk abou that princess who redeemed an intergalactic conqueror with her love... That princess who, behin her ethically grey actions, hid a great desire of being apreciated with all and her diferences... Yes... Today, we'll talk about our dear Entrapta. I think she's the best Autistic rep until now. They even got an Autistic writer for her.  She is a somewhat lonely girl, a tech lover, but... she isn't that good with people.  And that's when Hordak comes along. He also feels like a failure, knowing he'll be euthanized becausae of his nerve damage. She's the first to understand what he feels like, BECAUSE SHE'S BEEN TREATED LIKE THAT. I MEAN, THEY PUT HER ON A LEASH. That's how they develop a relationship, between two souls sharing Ableist Discrimination and love for tech.  Many raise eyebrows at this relationship. They think: How could a wom...

Oops! I didn't again: Autism and Executive functioning

Haven't you ever been chilling on the couch all day, and suddenly you remember: NOOO I GOTTA WASH MY CLOTHES... Sounds "UGHHH", doesn't it? Specially when you're mentally ill and always tired, like Mermista (we'll talk about her ableist views in a minute).  [Image description: Mermista puts her hands in her forehead, closes her eyes and says "Ugh!"] Why does this happen? Because a thing so small... CAN BE QUITE OVERWHELMING! We see tiny steps such as "getting to laundry room" and "putting clothes in"... IT'S TOO MUCH!! So yeah, that's why we don't do it. LAZINESS DOESN'T EXIST, AND YOU CAN FIND MORE INFO HERE: As you can see, Depression makes things even more impossible, the same with Chronic Illness and Autism (which makes information hard to filter, which then, causes that horrible, overwhelming sensor...

Stim Queen: ¿Qué es un stim?

 Yo roleaba como Entrapta... Aunque no quiero recordar a la persona con la que lo hacía, debo recordar que la intimidad era parte clave de mi rol, pues trataba de nterpretar, junto al chico que interpretaba a Hordak (y que, pensaba, en ese momento, que no era CompHet) (no importa,  Hordak está pagando por sus acciones)a una pareja Discapacitada y empoderada (de nuevo, el autismo ES una discapacidad) que le quería enseñar a los Etherianos que la gente Disca puede y tendrá momentos íntimos (y no momentos internos, ya hemos visto porque, la intimidad es para la prócima vez). Incluso en ese tipo de rol, stimmeaba. Hacía "ruiditos", movía mi cabeza, aleteaba... Nunca he tenido intimidad en la vida real, pero siento que, definitivamente, stimearía en esas practicas (sobre todo ahora que supe quien soy y con quien lo quiero hacer). Lo hago cuando se me cumplen mis antojos alimenticios, ¿porque no hacerlo ahí?  Pero, ¿Qué rayos es un stim? Bueno, son esas pequeñas acciones que TO...